Finding a Job in Tech in 2024: Tough, But Totally Doable

Stan Chen
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Landing a job in tech in 2024 feels like running a marathon with obstacles, right? Having mentored four fantastic individuals over the past nine months, I’ve seen just how challenging it can be. But don’t lose hope — there are ways to stand out and succeed.

The Competitive Scene

Ever felt like everyone’s using ChatGPT to craft their resumes and even “prep” for interviews? You’re not alone. This trend has made it tough for hiring managers to differentiate between real talent and AI-assisted applications. It’s no wonder they’re frustrated and leaning heavily on referrals.

The Power of Referrals

Referrals are like gold in today’s job market. Those secret “network” apps that promise easy referrals? Most hiring managers I know aren’t fans. What really makes a difference is a referral from a key contributor within the company. That kind of endorsement can get your application noticed.

How Hiring Decisions Are Made

Here’s a reality check: hiring managers don’t just accept any referral. They look for recommendations from key players or subject matter experts in their organization. These experts know what it takes to excel, and their referral carries significant weight.

The Reality of “Fake It Till You Make It”

Interview scams are rampant, and hiring managers are getting better at spotting them. It’s becoming harder to bluff your way through. Genuine skills and honesty are your best strategies.

Practical Tips for Success

So, how can you navigate this tricky job market? Here are some practical tips:

  1. Get Real Referrals: Aim for referrals from key contributors or subject matter experts who truly understand the job.
  2. Network Effectively: Skip the superficial networking. Focus on building genuine connections with people who can actually help you.
  3. Spot Key Players: Identify the real influencers in the organization. Often, these are the experts in the field, not just the hiring managers.
  4. Be Wary of Paid Services: Be cautious of services that promise guaranteed jobs after you pay a fee. Understand their business model thoroughly before committing.
  5. Adapt to the Market: The tech industry is currently tough. Plan your job search carefully and avoid unproductive activities.
  6. Show Your Skills: Develop a strong portfolio and personal brand. Demonstrate that you have the same skills and capabilities as the experts you want to impress.

Special Advice for Different Groups

For Students: Build Practical Knowledge

If you’re still in school, focus on gaining practical industry knowledge as quickly as possible. Look for company-sponsored projects, early career programs, and internships. These experiences can give you a significant edge when you enter the job market.

For Seasoned Job Seekers: Study the Market

If you’re a seasoned job seeker looking to get back into the field, it’s crucial to study the job market carefully. Avoid wasting time on unrealistic hopes or hypotheses. Stay informed about current trends and demands in your industry.

Personal Branding: Quality Over Quantity

Personal branding is generally a good idea, but if you’re producing low-quality content or showcasing subpar work, it might be time to refine your output. Make sure what you present is polished and truly reflects your skills and expertise.

Finding a job in tech in 2024 is definitely challenging, but with the right approach and focus on genuine skills and relationships, you can make it happen.

Keep pushing forward, stay strategic, and persistence pays off!

